Don't these deep-fried oreos look delicious? Oh man.
I don't have to talk about those, though.
I'm very glad we started the baby's room in June. If we had waited until now to start it, I know we would not be finished by the time the baby is here.
We have made some progress, yet it is still taking a long time.
I want to talk about those oreos again.
We did take a small trip to the fair early in the week- which was very fun but I ate most of the food they had available. If the weight gain I've accomplished during pregnancy scares on-lookers, I am blaming the fair. Even if that's not fair.
The oreos were great. So was the caramel apple. And the french fries. And the burger. And the cupcake that looked like an ice cream sandwich. And I should stop.
We had a minor setback this week when our pets were itching like crazy. At this first sign of fleas, we deep-cleaned the house a few times, got special flea meds for both the dog and cat, and waited. Hopefully there will be no more itching! Ugh that wasn't fun.
We went from delicousness at the fair to sad, sad cleaning and bugs at home. Fair is way better. Fair wins.
Anyway- some updates on the baby's room:
Thursday, Steve's brother was able to come over and show Steve how to do the "mudding" of the drywall.
Friday, we bought the laminate flooring that will replace the bright pink rug floor from the '80s. My parents were dropping off my brother Andrew at college, and stopped in on the way back to help us pick it out. We also had enough time to visit the new addition to the family, Missie and Ali's brand new baby boy!(9 pounds 9 ounces and still no name yet: ) )
Today, there was no time to do any "mudding" because Steve worked for his uncle all day pressure washing a barn. He just got back home and we're making dinner with our veggies from the farm (Pasta with spicy red sauce with the veggies mixed in, and I'm going to make some zuchinni bread with chocolate chips.
I went to get the veggies today and walked with the dog in the park. tried taking a nap but couldn't get comfortable. This is happening more and more. It is also VERY hot and our room air conditioner was not up to snuff today. I just can't wait until August is over. Then MAYBE the hot weather will be gone (I can't believe I'm saying this, I've never wanted August to be over) and also, hopefully, the room will be done by then. I would be so happy. I would post pictures but I'd rather do that when it's starting to look nice. Posting them now would just be depressing.
So, let's just say hopefully by September it will be done. Or almost done. We are thankful for everyone who have helped us, because we definitely wanted to do this is well as we could, and also without breaking the bank, and their help is very much appreciated!!
Speaking of making progress, or trying to, I'm making progress on my novel. Does anyone want a little sneak peak at the first page or two? If even one person says yes, I will think about posting it next! See, this is my new thing, trying to be more "interactive" with my blog. We shall see how it goes.
Also, if anyone has any ideas about the baby room, please let us know! Any little decorative ideas that have to do with a forest theme would be great! So far we have a decal we'll put on the wall, the walls will be tan, the floor will be laminate (that looks just like hard wood), and the wood on the furniture will be dark. A lot of it will be hand-me-down but we will stain it to match. The trim on the windows will be dark as well, to match. We will add accents of either girl colors or boy colors when the baby is born!
Anyway, hope all is well with everyone. I've been writing but I haven't been posting that I've been writing. Feel free to check out this blog when I don't "share" it on a social networking website, because I'll add to it here and there...and might not post it. I guess I will try to be more diligent though, if it means there are more readers!
Hope all is well with everyone!
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