This is the color the babe's room will be in. The baseboard and trim and changing table and dresser will be a bright white, and the crib and top of the dresser and rocking chair will be a dark cherry color, and the floors will be a hardwood, and the bedding will be a cream, and then when babe is born, I will add pinks or blues in the forms of ribbons and such to the room as accents (like a ribbon woven into the baskets on one of the changing table shelves, etc.). There will also be an owl decal, with owls in a tree. I can't wait for this room to be decorated!! I think about it way too much.
I feel like I haven't written in a very long time. I have been writing more of my novel and of course I write all kinds of ideas in my idea journal, because I have an idea journal because I'm a total geek. But I really want to update whoever might be reading this on life, just because, maybe, it's fun to snoop about someone's life.
I am now 32 weeks pregnant! It still feels good except it's getting harder and harder to go through life as a fat person. Especially when it is 9,035 degrees outside and your air conditioner decides to break. It didn't just break, it was on all day not working, and then by the time I got into my room, it started making very loud screeching sounds, so apparently it can't just die a silent death, but one protesting the injustices of being a stupid waste of space air conditioner that doesn't do anything. Oh I just wanted to kick it. I wanted to kick it good. But that would hurt my foot. So I didn't. Instead I just kept tossing and turning all last night and trying to feel the fan, which was really just circulating hot air throughout the room. The hot air was dancing around in a conga line around my head, to a little dance to a song that I think had the words "Haha you are probably so so hot, haha you are probably so so hot" over and over. And my belly was just never in a comfortable spot, and I thought I sweated off half of the weight I've gained in my pregnancy, but somehow I gained a pound. AND I didn't even mention the million times I got up to go to the ladies room. AND how my leg would go numb because of my siatic nerve or something like that. But I still love being pregnant. Because I love babe. And babe is who I'm pregnant with. But all of that aside - What a night. And tonight is supposed to be just as hot, so I will be just as a complainy person about it. Ugh Ugh Ugh
So now I'm going to say something nice. My grandma says if you say a bad thing you should say something nice too. So I must say I am so blessed and lucky to have a very warm and loving family who have all been helping so much with the baby's room. We are making progress slowly but surely. We really had to totally deconstruct it and rebuild it again. Every time we think we're done with the drywall we see more things that need a-fixin', but you know what, nothin' but the best for babe. So, here's the plan as of this week:
Sunday: Church to pray we stay on schedule - among other things! Also Steve finishes painting of the baseboards and we go out (hopefully for some ice cream!!) with some friends we haven't seen in a while
Monday: Labor Day - we'll probably go to a barbeque and there might be some more sanding and drywallish stuff as well
Tuesday: Finishing touches on drywall-type things
Wednesday: Breastfeeding Class -Oh my! And we can start painting
Thursday: Paint
Friday: Rochester for the baby shower (and Jon-boy's birthday of course!)
Saturday: Baby Shower!!!
Sunday: Going to my friend's baby shower!!!
Monday: Flooring
Tuesday: Furniture starts to go in.....
That's the plan! Let's see how it goes! We've been working and working (I haven't been able to do a lot of the stuff because it involves inhaling things that I shouldn't be inhaling and lifting things I shouldn't be lifting, so I've been baking a million cookies for my faithful workers and helping out with making sure they are well fed and have plenty of ice water!!)
So there you have it. That's what's going on in my life, and Steve's, and, babe's, (and the dog and cat are here hanging out as well). The dog is a very good boy, and so is the cat but unfortunately he got into a fight with another cat and his face got all puffed up on one side and he looked like phantom of the opera of all the cats and we took him to the vet and now he's on antibiotics and feeling beter but other than all of that he is great too.
And just a side note: MY Goodness it is hot. Today was so so hot, I wore a bathing suit top (tankini created for pregnant people) as my outfit top and actually went to Home Depot and Lowes like that on various trips to Home Depot and Lowes. I even got a "I like your top!" It was pretty exciting. My hotness apparently was showing...like a cooked turkey. That's actually pretty accurate as to how I felt: like a cooked turkey.
I also wanted to talk a little bit about other people's lives. In my family I am happy for a lot of people. I just want to do a couple of "Shout Outs" to those who are listening about some people I think are pretty great. Now, I think a lot of people are pretty great, so if I mention you here, you are super great. I think Kathy, my mother in law, is a trooper because she got her knee surgery and I think she's doing a really good job healing - it seems like a horrible thing do go through and I think she's doing a pretty inspirational job.
I also wanted to say I think Steve is pretty great, because he is amazing. I cry at pretty much everything these days, even if I'm happy. He is very consoling and kind and so helpful and I just am very grateful to have him in my life.
I wanted to give a BIG shout - out to my sister Julie and her family, and their newly adopted daughter, Paris. Paris is sooooo cute, and she seems to be getting along with her brothers and sisters and parents in a great way. Paris was finally able to come home to the Dony family a few weeks ago, after months of waiting, and paperwork, and what-have-you. I can't wait to meet my little niece and I am loving that my big sister and brother-in-law Scott are now the mother of 4 beautiful children!
I think that's all I wanted to say. I guess I wanted to say a lot. A lot is going on. Anyway - I hope you all are doing well. If you try to get a hold of me, and I'm busy in the next week or so, you can look at that tenative schedule and know what I'm up to. I'm an open book I guess. I just can't wait to see the finished results of that room!! And I can't wait for a few other things, too ;)
I just got updated on your blogs. I guess missed some of them. Sometimes I cry when reading them. Does that mean I am also pregnant? I would love to read your novel. You can send it to my email. You really are a very good writer. And a very sweet girl. I am glad you are in our family. I am very happy you and Steve found each other. :)Can't wait to see pictures of the room...and then of the babe!!
ReplyDeletewhy this blog named me as a bunch of letters and numbers, I do not know. It's your favorite Aunt Michele, just so you know!! Love you guys!!