I did not take this picture. Wouldn't it be so cool if I did?
I just thought it was a picture you can be reflective about, like thinking about how the lighthouse watches over the ships at sea, but only if someone is watching over the lighthouse.
I have been thinking a lot lately about ourselves helping ourselves, but only if we try.
And it is nice to have a support system.
I've been thinking about how people have pets and how they help them to be happier and healthier, going on more walks and improving their memories and helping them to make happy memories, but only if they take care of their pets.
And there are so many people who work endlessly in selfless professions like social workers, teachers, firemen and nurses, who are only as strong and powerful as their support systems allow them to be. They have the backs of their fellow man if only there is one person who has their backs....so to speak.
Whether you are in a romantic relationship with someone or not, it is very important to have a support system.
Do we live better if we have someone to support, or if someone is supportive to us? Or is it both?
Ultimately, what gets the cop to the donut shop before his shift every morning to start the day? Is it the job that will pay the bills to help his family, or the people he tries to help each day? Either way, he's working to help support a system, because the system has helped him, at least so much as to help him get his jelly donut every day.
Anyway- I know this is a random post, but it's about something that is important to me. Support. Love.
I think no matter what is going on, it's important to try and see what it is you're supportive of, and who it is out there who supports you...because....
it just is.
That's what I think, anyway.
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